
This screenshot snippet, taken from a job listings page at a community college, captures pretty succinctly much of what’s wrong with higher education priorities today.

Screen shot 2013-04-25 at 7.25.50 PM

The job description for the “faculty internship” explicitly states the position is intended to groom people for (those crazy high-paying) adjunct jobs.

I wonder if the position is akin to Boise State’s Foundational Studies program, which pays grad students and professional staff a whopping $1,000 to teach class sections all semester.

Compare that teaching salary to these figures (already a year old).  I had no idea the Boise State football coach gets a quarter million dollars annually just for letting the university license his image. Clearly, I need to renegotiate my contract.


  1. I recently learned that our university is actually in deep millions-of-dollars debt because of football & building a new stadium. This situation is outrageous everywhere. Sigh… (and there are adjuncts teaching 8 classes a semester)